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The Foundation Center reviews
"Boards That Love Fundraising"

Philanthropy News Digest - September 22, 2004

Off the Shelf
By Andrew Diamond, Assistant Librarian, The Foundation Center

The new book from Zimmerman-Lehman, Boards That Love Fundraising: A How-To Guide For Your Board, is a "hands-on" guide. The book's goal is to inform directors of the many ways that they can, and should, facilitate and engage in the fundraising effort. Mr. Zimmerman and Ms. Lehman, both experienced nonprofit administration consultants, begin with a summary of overall board responsibilities and continue with the board's role in specific fundraising activities.

The book covers the basics of fundraising campaigns, board recruitment, devising a development plan, and evaluating the success of the plan. Much of this may be familiar territory to professional development staff, but may well be a new and somewhat intimidating arena for the board. To clarify and illuminate, the book offers exercises throughout (brainstorming, discussion, role playing, and writing) that can assist them in becoming more comfortable with the process.

The authors explore in depth the role of board members in the solicitation of major donors. They state, "As a board member, you are particularly well positioned to ensure the success of your organization's major donor campaign." To live up to this ideal, board members often need instruction in major donor solicitation so the book includes additional resources for board training. Topics such as how to ask for a substantial gift and motivations for giving are especially effective. The sample solicitation scripts are useful inclusions, as are the role-playing exercises that can help board members develop their own scripts. The co-authors provide help with creating organizational case statements, responses to solicitations, and a script for meeting with a foundation executive.

This book is an effective and practical tool for new or experienced board members and a handbook that will also be valued by nonprofit directors and development executives.

This article may also be viewed online at Philanthropy News Digest.

Boards That Love Fundraising is currently available to order at Amazon.com

View the press release.

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Copyright © 2005, Zimmerman Lehman