Board members can act as advocates for their organizations and communities by using a strategic approach to problem solving, with a focus on a collaborative method to finding the answers. Applying a deliberate tactic to an issue will develop the best solutions. Questions may be posed to the board itself, staff or outside experts—but all are responsible for determining the best answers for the benefit of the organization as a whole.
GOALS--ENVISION WHERE YOU WANT TO BE. What are we trying to accomplish? What is the objective? What is the vision of where we want to end up? What results do we want? A better financial picture for you nonprofit? More effective services for our clients? More accountability to the community? Better public policies for our constituencies?
CURRENT SITUATION--COMPARE YOUR VISION TO WHERE YOU ARE TODAY. What is the current reality? What additional information do we need to make an informed decision? Where and how do we get the information? What resources do we have available? What skills do staff, board or volunteers currently have?
OPTIONS AVAILABLE--BRAINSTORM HOW TO GET FROM WHERE YOU ARE TO WHERE YOU WANT TO BE. What are the different options we have available to us at this time? What approach or tactic can we pursue? Who else is working on this issue? What can we learn from them or how can we partner together? Who might oppose this option and how can we counter that? (It is best to brainstorm the answers before you begin to evaluate them.)