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"Combatting The Doom and Gloom"

Ready to throw in the towel? Certain that if you read one more article about the declining stock market's hideous impact on foundation giving you'll lose your breakfast? Convinced that the governor of your fair state is ready to take the hatchet to every nonprofit social service agency within reach?

Welcome to Zimmerman Lehman's newest (#14!)
rule of fundraising: No whining!

If so, I welcome you to Zimmerman Lehman's newest (#14!) rule of fundraising: No whining! Yes, I understand how difficult it is for nonprofits out there in big America (and elsewhere), and I know that the assets of the Packard Foundation dropped 22% in the last six months. If you want to wallow in the gloom, Jeremiah, be my guest, but you'll be missing some huge opportunities.

Do you really think that Mr. and Ms. Megabux Q. Dinero are wondering where their next creme brulee is coming from? Are your wealthy donors pawing through the canned goods in their garages and subsisting on creamed corn and refried beans? I don't think so.

Yes, it's a sad fact that private charitable giving in the U.S., which according to the AAFRC Trust for Philanthropy totaled $212 billion in 2001, will probably decline to--what?--$202 billion in 2002 (we'll know the exact figure in June, 2003). Can nonprofits get by on $202 billion?

Yes they can--with this proviso. The nonprofits that succeed in this tough climate will have the following things going for them:

1. Diversified funding streams

2. Boards of directors that are willing to give and ask for money

3. Written, specific fundraising plans

4. Enough staff to get the job done right

Something else to keep in mind: the lion's share of private philanthropic giving comes from individuals, not grantors. My educated guess is that the disparity between individual giving and grants will grow in this difficult economy. The lesson is simple: don't stop applying for grants, but concentrate your fundraising firepower on individuals. A cadre of individual donors who believe in your nonprofit will see you through, even in these tough times.

No whining!

Copyright 2007 Zimmerman Lehman.

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